ICON TECH: 09/20/15

Minggu, 20 September 2015

A market research which spoiled and so tempt

What can be recommended by the market research which involving a number of methods in it  as professional ways  is a model of effort that does not stop  and continues to be required,  a number of important inputs are expected to be a references     on the strategic decision making process on further  steps  .

In general there are some self - conducted market research  that done by the company concerned  as an important part to supporting   the operation of marketing performance   to achieve maximum results .  Or lately some companies better pay for the performance of services  from other companies    that segmented working in the field of market research   to conduct research on a specific product  either in the form of goods or services .

Some recommendations can be understood and be able to be applied,  however there are some of the recommendations  can not be used at all . Perhaps there is nothing wrong with the market research   but  quite understandable   with the intensity of taste market that changes  unpredictable .

Because curiosity to a number of questions   in some market research so I decided  to engage and answered a market research conveyed via my email  by a market research services company   with a common approach  nice and good    "  Make complete the following quetionnaire list   +-  30 - 45 minutes  and paid  $. 3 US   in return  " .  

Without the slightest intention expect the dollar,    so I started to fill it    turned out almost more then 2 hours with more than 400 common and specifics questions  on that  market research,  finished and closed end,   shortly on a new screen appears with comment   ' sorry you're not match for the this market research,  please try again on another occasion   THANK YOU  '

Most important conclusions  from  this kind of market research is   that certainly someone who made more then 400  list of questions in this kind of market research is a beautiful,  spoiled  and so tempt women .