ICON TECH: September 2015

Minggu, 20 September 2015

A market research which spoiled and so tempt

What can be recommended by the market research which involving a number of methods in it  as professional ways  is a model of effort that does not stop  and continues to be required,  a number of important inputs are expected to be a references     on the strategic decision making process on further  steps  .

In general there are some self - conducted market research  that done by the company concerned  as an important part to supporting   the operation of marketing performance   to achieve maximum results .  Or lately some companies better pay for the performance of services  from other companies    that segmented working in the field of market research   to conduct research on a specific product  either in the form of goods or services .

Some recommendations can be understood and be able to be applied,  however there are some of the recommendations  can not be used at all . Perhaps there is nothing wrong with the market research   but  quite understandable   with the intensity of taste market that changes  unpredictable .

Because curiosity to a number of questions   in some market research so I decided  to engage and answered a market research conveyed via my email  by a market research services company   with a common approach  nice and good    "  Make complete the following quetionnaire list   +-  30 - 45 minutes  and paid  $. 3 US   in return  " .  

Without the slightest intention expect the dollar,    so I started to fill it    turned out almost more then 2 hours with more than 400 common and specifics questions  on that  market research,  finished and closed end,   shortly on a new screen appears with comment   ' sorry you're not match for the this market research,  please try again on another occasion   THANK YOU  '

Most important conclusions  from  this kind of market research is   that certainly someone who made more then 400  list of questions in this kind of market research is a beautiful,  spoiled  and so tempt women .

Sabtu, 19 September 2015

When market sluggish we must be willing to be a ' clown '

Fluctuation is an integral part of the market    presence in all settings and dimensions in it, the market is not a 'media'   that is constant or fixed    but rather a harmony of a melody  from the pulse life  of 'civilization' market  it self.

So far still have something to be offered on the market    so far as it is also a tool to be able to measure it is still in the hands   and with tools that market can be measured, what our market reaction to it,  whether the market is pro - active, or only positive active,  moderate  or even passive    and or did not budge at all .

The intensity of the 'energy' marketers today verily no longer distracted by the conceptualization cloud  or 'science' of marketing,   the dialectic of the concept science of marketing  it has been quite clipped  firmly  by short cut  of the social media and tools   that permeates the entire line of even small alleys   in the pulse of the market  today   that they breathe every day .

There are 3 simple little conclusion in this humble view   :  First,  the higher the intensity to use access of social media can be empowered the more likely to be able to measure the market.   Second,  when the intensity of the use of access was just intermediate and not push to much    it also will present measuring tool with moderate capacity   and certainly the third, the smaller the intensity of the media devices is accessible   then so small anyway the conclusions of market   that can be obtained .

When the market sluggish  we must be willing to be a ' clown '  ;
When the market is growing  
we should be willing to be a ' seducer prestigious ' ;
And when the market is growing enlarged  
so we can laugh and dance anywhere  ;

Sabtu, 05 September 2015

Changes of binoculars

The word    ‘action’ in the middle of the battlefield translated    in sound with vigorously by  screams of    ' f i r e    ! ! ! '      in this map   it seems there’s   nothing   would be lost     because all soldiers  has a clear shot    that will be directed to the target as an enemy      that is clearly identified  as subject,  object and also their position.   

Yelling  'action'    or do ‘action’   will not changes the situations at all   then the result is likely to be the same,         why not   ?      because they  personally very peaceful  and so reluctant to seek   ' the target '   soldiers  with weapons in his hand   that did not see  even one enemy    although already changes with many binoculars   and choose to get lost in the bushes.     

All the 'crazy'  people initially  are normal ordinary people     who then for some reason stung  by an idea in his head,    do not look to meaning  of  ‘success’  solely in the context connotation of wealth   that can be generated by  someone    without  understand  in what kind of  ideas that he is works,   when ready then the idea will come and propose  immediately  ....   happy saturday night  everybody 

Jumat, 04 September 2015

Failing to succeed and in the role success of failure

Human was not created to choose     only in the role as if choosing  In journey that look like find a certain 'progressive revolution’   is simply because he is steering by the ideas and opinions   that given in his head  ideas and opinions is something unique  and that will make a 'unique' behave is also therefore

But behind all kinds of unique differences between all    so there is one thing that has the same pattern that every business must stand on the idea to make it work  and the idea that metamorphosed into a vision    and the most obvious consequence of vision always will minimize act  to make  smile to much and say  'cheeerssszz'     which will make the teeth  become dry   . . .

“ Failing to succeed    and in the role success of failure    both has a same value   as an active scenario  and improvisation    and not a passive stone “  

Keep offering

' Offering '   is a small alley   of virtue  and  wisdom       In general offer something     will receive two closest result  that is    :      accepted  or  rejected     :       the situation that can only be understood   by  those who offer something   .    And when there is rejection occurs  1,000 times   then  the  ' offer '   is already a part of awareness system   until the results from offering process   is already become unimportant   no more  this region is more understood  as the awareness in practical habit     and not map in complicated conceptual