ICON TECH: 09/05/15

Sabtu, 05 September 2015

Changes of binoculars

The word    ‘action’ in the middle of the battlefield translated    in sound with vigorously by  screams of    ' f i r e    ! ! ! '      in this map   it seems there’s   nothing   would be lost     because all soldiers  has a clear shot    that will be directed to the target as an enemy      that is clearly identified  as subject,  object and also their position.   

Yelling  'action'    or do ‘action’   will not changes the situations at all   then the result is likely to be the same,         why not   ?      because they  personally very peaceful  and so reluctant to seek   ' the target '   soldiers  with weapons in his hand   that did not see  even one enemy    although already changes with many binoculars   and choose to get lost in the bushes.     

All the 'crazy'  people initially  are normal ordinary people     who then for some reason stung  by an idea in his head,    do not look to meaning  of  ‘success’  solely in the context connotation of wealth   that can be generated by  someone    without  understand  in what kind of  ideas that he is works,   when ready then the idea will come and propose  immediately  ....   happy saturday night  everybody